This volume seeks to take the readers back to the basics of Redemption and Sanctification by unveiling the Redemptive Thread that links the blood lineage of our forefathers to the rise of our Messiah, Jesus Christ and His second coming. Redemption and Sanctification define two of the zealous desires of the Lord. The overall central theme of the Holy Scripture is Redemption. Humanity is fallen and separated from God. The Lord's gift of Redemption reconciles the breach. Sanctification is what follows that. It is an immediate, yet ongoing process of the Lord's work, which will only be completed when we pass from here to eternity. It means to be holy and set apart for God's service. In short, it is God's foundational will. Do not pass that statement by.
Today, Christians in many places are in need of the milk of the word. They lead a very shallow and powerless Christian life. It is one of the reasons the church is so lifeless in many places. It is not enough to know of the elementary principles of Christianity, we must also know what they mean. This volume seeks to lay the foundations that have led millions in the past millennia to go beyond the superficial and stand firmly and boldly on the side of the Lord! A proper understanding of Redemption will only lead you to rejoice with "joy unspeakable" as you stand in unrestricted service to God. He has liberated us to fulfill our redemptive purpose. He truly has set us free!
Hebrews 13:9b teaches us, "For it is good that the heart be established by grace..." The word established comes from βέβαιος which means to be firm or secure, literally propped up, as in a stick holding up a tent. If our heart is truly established by the true teaching of Grace, which comes from the nature of the Father, then when we fall, we still stand. Rejoice in Him...For Redemption provides just that!